SOPREMA: Build Better - ACS Composite Systems Thermal Clips

CSC Ottawa Chapter Lunch and Learn: Winter 2023
December 21, 2022 | By Webmaster

About this event:

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the second edition of the BUILD BETTER guide which is intended for professionals involved in the design, implementation, and construction of high performing energy efficient buildings. 

Presenter: Mr. Dan Dufort is a representative to the professionals for Soprema Canada’s building envelope division since 2009. Helping the industry with technical support, product knowledge and recommendations for the architects, engineers, consultants, and installers throughout the Outaouais: 

“Getting it right the first time is success towards your project, and if I can help in any way for you to achieve this, I will have accomplished my goal to you, your firm and the industry throughout.” 

The trust that the professionals have in him is what keeps him thriving to be better each day. 

Dan is known to even answer your calls when he is out enjoying his favorite past time of golf! 2009-present: Soprema Canada 
2006: Throw Engineering 
2004: Civil Technologist (Algonquin College) 
2001: Mitten Inc. 
1997: NDT Vision (Non-Destructive Testing) 
1982: Canadian Paperworkers Union 

BUILD BETTER guide: ACS Composite Systems’ THERMAL CLIPS 

SOPREMA is proud to present the second edition of the BUILD BETTER guide which is intended for professionals involved in the design, implementation, and construction of high performing energy efficient buildings. 

These days, we know that it can be difficult to choose which products are ideal to obtain a high-performance building and prevent heat loss. 

To provide you with peace of mind and make your job easier, SOPREMA has collaborated with the firm Morrison Hershfield in the testing of wall assemblies that comply with the energy performance requirements of the National Energy Code for Buildings and much more! 

Recognizing that energy efficiency is about more than prescriptive energy code compliance, this second edition also provides tables that designers can use to validate the thermal performance of assemblies with more ambitious energy goals.

The second edition of our BUILD BETTER Guide features ACS Composite Systems’ THERMAL CLIPS as SOPREMA’s preferred attachment system for panelized exterior cladding materials. This versatile attachment system significantly improves the thermal efficiency of wall assemblies. 

 Moreover, to comply with strict fire restrictions, SOPREMA has carried out extensive research and is proud to introduce, in this new edition, a protected wall assembly that has passed the fire test conducted by Intertek according to the CAN/ULC-S134 standard. 

Cost: Free for CSC members and non-members. 
Hospitality: Free light lunch includes sandwiches, vegetables and assorted drinks will be offered to attendees. Please advise if you have any dietary restrictions. There is free parking at the site. 
Contact: For any questions please contact Craig Cosgrove at craigcos10@gmail.com 
Date and time: Wed, January 18, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST 
Location: Overbrook Community Centre 33 Quill Street Workshop Room Ottawa, ON K1K 4E7 

Registration: Here